Memorial Day, and an Update on Life!
Hello All. I haven't blogged in a little bit, life has been so busy! However, since little rascal Olive bone has decided that taking a nap today isn't on her agenda (hence I can't get in my much needed nap)I will update you on our lives while Olive crawls around the house destroying everything in her path :)
Yesterday Our family visited the Graves of some of Kc's family members. His grandparents, his cousin who died when she was about 5 weeks old, and his Aunt who died when she was about 6 years old. It was so good to visit and think about their lives and to reflect on all the people in that cemetery. We read many gravestones and wondered about who they were and how they impacted the world. Someone's daughter, son, husband, wife, grandmother. All people who were undoubtable very loved in their lives. Someone is Kc's family put a little laminated paper by each grave that told a little bit about them. I thought that was really cool, I would have loved to have learned a little bit about every person that was buried there. It was a good day, and it was especially significant to me to bring Olive to visit the person she was named after. I never met her but she was a beautiful person who lived a meaningful and impactful life, and I know without a shadow of a doubt she watches over my little baby girl. I'm so grateful for all my ancestors and those who have gone before me who have sacraficed, suffered, loved, and lived lives that have made it possible for me and my family to enjoy the freedoms and happiness we experience in our lives everyday. Thank you.
Later that evening we met up with some of our friends for a little BBQ. It was so fun to just sit and talk and eat. Summer here we come!
Olive Update:
Little Miss Olive
Olive has learned how to crawl and Kc and I said to each other today- Remember when we wanted Olive to learn to crawl? That was funny. haha She actually isn't too bad. Every stage comes with it's positives and negatives, and while she is getting into more things she can also entertain herself a lot more. So although I am hearing happy baby sounds from the other room a lot more often... that's not always a good thing!
She likes to feed herself now which limits the types of food she can eat. Sometimes if she is double fisting it with some spoons I can sneak in a mouthful of peas or carrots. This has led to more frequent bath times because somehow when you have a handful of bananas there is nothing more enticing than rubbing said bananas through your hair :) And while baths are getting more frequent they are getting less lengthy because Olive has decided there is no better time to practice standing on her own two feet than in the bathtub- and there is only so much stress and anxiety this mommy can handle before I have to pull her out. Overall this has been my favorite stage, she is SO giggly, happy, and all smiles all the time and I love having a little buddy with my everywhere I go. Love this little girl of mine.