Ho, hum- My baby turned 1!
My little girl just turned ONE! I can't decide how I feel about it. On one hand I feel such joy as I watch her grow each day into her own little person. On the other hand I'm like- STOP GROWING. Every stage is great, but I am especially enjoying this one. She is getting close to walking and she loves to jibber jabber and reach for me all the time and say "mama." It never gets old.
When I think about the person I have become since she came into my life it's like, who was I? I don't even know that person. It's because when a child enters your life your feeling of self importance goes right out the window. And guess what, it's the best thing that could ever happen to you. Spending all day worrying about something other than yourself is how you really find yourself and, find real pure joy. I look around me and I just see more love, kindness, and happiness in the world. I want to be a better person because I want Olive to look to me as someone that she would want to be like.
It's crazy to look back on our lives and think everything is just a moment in time. Moments we never get back. So I live each day with this baby girl of mine to the very fullest. I want to look back and remember it being such a happy wonderful time, because that is the way it should be. Instead of stressing about her emptying out my whole cupboard in 0.2 seconds I realize I have my whole life to have an organized cupboard but I don't have my whole life to have the cutest little giggling baby who looks like she has struck gold when she finds my wallet and promptly empty's out the whole thing. I sit and savor those precious moments when I get to rock my sweet little baby to sleep, because those are the moments that you will never get back, and they mean so so much to me.
Raising you Olive has been the greatest joy of my life. You are so perfect baby girl. I love you so very very much. No matter what you do, or who you become, you will always be so very loved.