Tuesday, October 7, 2014

My Day with Olive.

I just wanted to do a short blog post about my day with Olive today, even though it wasn't anything extra special or out of the ordinary, I know these are the types of days I am going to miss the most when she grows up, so here's a little post to remember these fleeting moments.

I came home from work and she had pooped, which is less common these days for her to do in the morning so I thought I would take a shower with her. We've been doing that lately. She sits in the back of the tub and plays with her toys. She's so animated and she loves her ducks and for me to grab the "mommy" one and talk to her with it. Then we got out and put on our robes and thought we'd watch a little of tangled before breakfast. Sometimes that's a good idea, ya know? Then I asked her if she wanted eggs, and she said, k. She has this thing lately where she says what she wants and I repeat back to her what she said (or what I think she said) and she responds to me, k, in her little voice. Which is her way of saying, yes. I love it so much. Then we got dressed and went to buy her some shoes for the fall/winter since we only really have sandals right now and rain boots that she is slowing growing out of (NOOO!) I took her to the store and she was just so good and sweet and loved trying on the shoes and was being such a good listener. Oh man, that girl! Then we went to Costco and got a couple things. We chatted the whole time and stayed long enough to get lots of yummy samples for lunch time. Then we went to Starbucks because my vice this pregnancy has been their double chocolate chip frappacino (you have to try it!) Olive got a vanilla milk and we sat at the table and enjoyed our drinks and talking with the barista. Then we got in the car and came home. It was close to nap time but I let Olive play a little outside. I asked her to do something and she lost it, so I knew I had pushed it too long! I went into her room and saw the cat in her crib. I said Olive look how silly it is that the cat is in your bed! She immediately stopped crying and started to laugh and ran in her room. We got her blankets, read one book, and then we both crawled into her crib. I tickled her back and tummy and her head, and within minutes she was asleep. 

After her nap we just played and played. We like to play this game where she heats up her play food in the microwave in her little kitchen and then she hands it to me and I bounce it like a hot potato and say "oh no! That's so hot!" She just laughs and laughs at that. Then we went on a little bike ride and feed the horses across the street some grass. Then Daddy came home and you know the rest of the night was just inside eating, talking, and being silly. Olive likes to do this thing with her Daddy where she sticks out her fingers like frankenstein and says "I'm going to get you" and she runs up to Dad and just hits him (her simulation of tickling.) She always makes me join in (and sometimes I take the chance to give Dad some real tickles.) She will do this for hours if you let her. She gets so silly when Dad's around right before her bed time.

I think I have been reflecting on this day not only because it was a good day, but because I know I don't have many more where it's just Olive and I. I think it's going to be tough on both of us to divide my attention, and while I am so excited to welcome a new baby into our home I am also really savoring this last little time of just the two of us. I love that little girl, I just love her so much. 

(The faces Olive makes when she can see herself in the camera.)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

New Blanket for Baby Boy

Well, I did it again. Knitted something that I'm not 100% in love with- typical. I always end up feeling like I didn't nail the colors like I wanted to. I really need to get a color specialist or something. Someone I trust will pick the right colors for me so I can knit it without stressing about how it will all look in the end. Stephanie Cirac? Anyways here it is! My knitted blanket for baby boy. I didn't think it would take so long but I took breaks from it and I ALWAYS forget how long it takes to stitch things together (when you do a project that requires it.) I always swear every time after I do a project that requires a lot of stitching that I will never do it again... but then I always do. It's a knitters life for me. 

Olive decided when I was photographing the blanket that it looked just too inviting not to sit on. That's the point right? :)

Here is my brief tutorial on this blanket. I used this pattern from Martha Stewart as a guideline. I used measurements based on some of the baby knit blankets on purlbee, the end blanket seems to be about 28" by 30". I cast on 130 stitches total (based on the purlbee blankets) and I knew that I wanted the length to be about 30" so I mapped out what I wanted the width of each piece to be. (I roughly copied the width and length of each individual piece based on portions similar to the Martha pattern, but you can do whatever you want!) I drew out a little map of the lengths, widths, and color combinations and then I just followed my little map! Then after I had knitted all the pieces I stitched them together with basically a loose mattress stitch to show contrast, weaved in my ends, and I was done! Whew. Unless you are stressed about stitching together at the end, I would recommend this to anyone, even beginner knitters! You feel accomplished when you make each piece (which doesn't take too long) and then you get to see it all come together in the end! 

So there you have it! Happy knitting! 
(Or whatever you fancy.)

Side note: Weaving in and using a contrast yarn can be hard because there is no where to hide loose yarn, but what is nice about this blanket is that haphazard loose stitch looks really good so don't try to worry about making it look too perfect- it will give you lots of allowance later on, trust me.