Sunday, October 20, 2013

A long, hard week.

Guys, it's been a hard week. Tuesday night I was feeling a little sick. I had wanted to go to yoga because I like to go to my friend's yoga class when I can, but had to leave early because I just was not feeling good. I thought I had better hop in bed, so as soon as the babes was down I laid down myself, thinking I'd feel better in the morning. Nope. An hour later I was running for the bathroom. Needless to say it was a long night which required lots of bowls placed next to the bed, ice packs made, and some time spent bent over the sink, the toilet, and any other container I could reach in time. I felt so achy and awful that whole day. 
The next day I felt a little better, so I went to work... but it didn't last long and by the night I was feeling sick again. Miss Olive was up a lot as well and I was worried she was sick too. Nope. She just didn't want to sleep. How convenient. She never does that! So up we both were, but Olive was a good sport. She loves to go get things and bring them to me. One of her favorites is to grab all the mixing spoons and anything else in that drawer and bring it to me. As I was in the bathroom she would go to the kitchen and bring me one spoon at a time. At the end I just needed some flour and I could have made a cake! 
It came at a bad time as I have already been feeling inadequate lately and unable to "get things done" as I should. My house is always a mess, I'm a mess, I'm behind at work and can't seem to catch up, and all the little things I have been trying to get done for months just can't seem to get done! So after already feeling behind, having to lay in bed and watch tv was beyond aggravating (every time i got up I regretted it.) 
But then I just remember that nothing is as bad as it seems, and life goes on.
Lessons learned: I have such a loving family. My in-laws would and pretty much do anything and everything for me. I have a caring husband who shows his love for me each day, and can take the reins when needed including getting me the things I need, taking care of our babe, AND making dinner (he's a catch guys.) My little girl (while rascally to the core) is still so sweet and loves her mommy so much, no matter what she is wearing or what her house looks like- she loves her mommy because I love her and we take care of each other. We are best buds and we are in it together. 
Hope everyone had a better week than me! Here's hoping next week is better! 

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