Tuesday, October 3, 2017

My baby is 5!

I'm a little behind on my Blog updates as Olive turned 5 over two months ago, but I didn't want to miss writing a birthday tribute to my little girl because I want remember her just as she is today. 

Olive has made so many big changes in the last year. I thought I would have a hard time watching her grow because I didn't want her to change from the sweet adorable little girl she has always been, but I've been surprised to learn that each new stage brings more joy in a different way.

Olive continues to bring sunshine into every room she enters. She always has a smile on her face and is constantly getting into fits of giggles and laughing. Even now that she is older and I make comments about funny things she does that she wouldn't have understood when she was younger instead of feeling bad that I am making fun of her she just starts to laugh at herself along with us. This quality will serve her throughout her life. 

Olive has been learning to do so many life changing things this year, one of the biggest being that she learned to ride her bike. I wish I could say this was an easy process, but it came with a lot of tears and frustration on both our parts. When we started Olive hopped right onto the bike and rode like a champ, but something got into her head and after that she wouldn't even really try and would bail out after a couple seconds. I was frustrated knowing that she could do it and she was frustrated that I was pushing her when she felt a little scared. I really wanted her to learn the life lesson that you push through things that are hard and scary, and you fall and get back up and it's those types of experiences that can result in the greatest sense of joy and accomplishment. I finally realized I had to change some of my teaching techniques and once she eventually got it down she never wanted to get off that thing. Sometimes I have felt that I baby her too much and so this bike has been a good learning experience for both of us as she has taken many falls and had to get right back up and ride despite the cuts and bruises, and she's wanted to get back on because it's something that she loves to do. There is just something about riding a bike on your own and this sense that you are so big and powerful and you can go and do anything all by yourself. I really do feel like it changed both of us. She learned to be more independent and I learned to let go a little. 

Olive also started school this year. Big deal! I was a little worried to put her in because she is almost a year behind most the kids as her birthday is at the end of July, but I felt that she was definitely emotionally ready and really looking forward to going and that she would be able to catch up with all the kids and be ok. We had worked a lot on reading during the summer and she is doing well, but not quite there yet. That is another thing that is so exciting to watch your kid learn because it completely changes their life and gives them so much more independence and an informed view about their world and what is going on around them. She is also working on swimming and is doing well but not quite to the point that I would just drop her in the deep end, but I am excited to see her getting there. Such big things like bike riding, learning to read, and swimming. Once you've got those down you're on your way! 

Olive has really thrived since she started school. She has already made many friends and asks to have one of them come home with her almost everyday. She loves being in class and around others and I can use it as a threat that she will not get to go to school if she doesn't listen (I'm sure this will only work for this year.) She rides her bike to school everyday and it's her very favorite thing to do in the world. We had a couple close calls in the beginning but she has finally got the hang of the rules and how dangerous it can be to not follow them. She has started to be more curious about things and aware of more complex ideas. It's fun to see her mind grow and develop and change our conversations with one another. 

This summer Olive really blossomed into my little helper. When Elijah was born she could not have cared less about him. She has never been keen on babies or dolls or anything of that sort, but she suddenly started to help me with elijah and it has been so great. She tries to calm him down when he gets upset and she is very patient and loving and includes him in the things she is doing. She will even carry his things or help get him dressed if I ask her to, which is a huge help. It was like once he became a person she could interact with she became her sweet affectionate self and brought him under her wing. Her independence alone has been so helpful. Now when we travel she is so aware of where we are going and how long it will take to get there and the things she needs to do to help. One of my favorite sights is Olive going through the airport pulling her own little carry on she brings with her. It has been such a help to know that I can trust her and she will stay by me and do what is needed to get where we need to go. She has never been a big whiner or complainer and often easily accepts changes in schedule or other conflicts. She is still a 5 year old and often acts how a 5 year old would, but I have been proud of her ability to control her emotions and not fly off the handle when she doesn't get her way. 

Right now Olive loves to color and give all her drawings away to everyone around her. She loves to go outside and look for potato bugs and crickets and make little homes for them before she lets them go. She has started to like alone time which she didn't ever want to have before ( I think that comes with having a little brother who can ruin things.) She always wants to play with a friend but prefers to stay home if I am going to go out and run some errands. She still has an interest in dinosaurs and space and will still say she wants to be an astronaut so she can go look for dinosaurs on other planets. She loves to take baths with her brother and the two of them will play dinosaurs for an hour or more in there if I let them. She doesn't really care so much about watching tv or shows and doesn't ask to play her gameboy all that much, but still loves to play it a bit in the morning (which we don't mind as it gives us extra sleep.) She loves having babysitters over and will sometimes ask me to go somewhere so she can have one come over and play with her. I have started to let her dress herself in whatever she wants which has resulted in pretty much the same outfit almost everyday to school -space pants with a pink skirt over it combined with a dinosaur or space shirt. I keep thinking I am going to make her start changing and wear something different each day, but I just can't bring myself to do it. When she pulls that pink skirt over her pants she just looks so happy. She loves having long hair, but hates it when I brush it. She has to sleep with our orange cat Vixy every night and the cat has gotten used to the schedule and often comes in right when I am putting her to bed. She keeps asking me to get pets and currently would really like to get a bird. Maybe when she's older. 

Olive is strong, inquisitive, beautiful, and kind. I hope I can have the image of her as a five year old for the rest of my life. I feel so blessed with the opportunity to see her grow. She'll go out into the world and do wonderful things. I know it. 

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