Sunday, October 27, 2013

Because I can't help myself...

(photo bomber)

All these photos were taken by the ever so talented Annie Hancock who is a dear friend and beautiful person- fiercely loyal, kind, and quite obviously an amazing artist. I just adore her, can you tell? You can check out some of her photography at And I promise to not post any more of these pictures.... for now ;)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

A long, hard week.

Guys, it's been a hard week. Tuesday night I was feeling a little sick. I had wanted to go to yoga because I like to go to my friend's yoga class when I can, but had to leave early because I just was not feeling good. I thought I had better hop in bed, so as soon as the babes was down I laid down myself, thinking I'd feel better in the morning. Nope. An hour later I was running for the bathroom. Needless to say it was a long night which required lots of bowls placed next to the bed, ice packs made, and some time spent bent over the sink, the toilet, and any other container I could reach in time. I felt so achy and awful that whole day. 
The next day I felt a little better, so I went to work... but it didn't last long and by the night I was feeling sick again. Miss Olive was up a lot as well and I was worried she was sick too. Nope. She just didn't want to sleep. How convenient. She never does that! So up we both were, but Olive was a good sport. She loves to go get things and bring them to me. One of her favorites is to grab all the mixing spoons and anything else in that drawer and bring it to me. As I was in the bathroom she would go to the kitchen and bring me one spoon at a time. At the end I just needed some flour and I could have made a cake! 
It came at a bad time as I have already been feeling inadequate lately and unable to "get things done" as I should. My house is always a mess, I'm a mess, I'm behind at work and can't seem to catch up, and all the little things I have been trying to get done for months just can't seem to get done! So after already feeling behind, having to lay in bed and watch tv was beyond aggravating (every time i got up I regretted it.) 
But then I just remember that nothing is as bad as it seems, and life goes on.
Lessons learned: I have such a loving family. My in-laws would and pretty much do anything and everything for me. I have a caring husband who shows his love for me each day, and can take the reins when needed including getting me the things I need, taking care of our babe, AND making dinner (he's a catch guys.) My little girl (while rascally to the core) is still so sweet and loves her mommy so much, no matter what she is wearing or what her house looks like- she loves her mommy because I love her and we take care of each other. We are best buds and we are in it together. 
Hope everyone had a better week than me! Here's hoping next week is better! 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Over the Weekend

I had thought with the weather change that the weekends would be a little less hectic and I would be able to settle down and do a few things to the house that have been on my list for awhile. I was sorely mistaken. And, I am not sure that I see a lot of "open" time in the foreseeable future. Oh well. I have never been one that has to have my house look immaculate all the time, if I can just keep up on dishes, laundry, and a clean floor I am good right?? Other house projects will have to get done in due time.

 Anyhow, my little banshee bones has shut the door to her bedroom and is playing quietly in her room. This NEVER happens, and I am sure I will hear her any moment now calling me to open it back up for her- but I'll take my chances on a little blog post about what we did this weekend. (And finish it later if necessary) **cue crying in bedroom
My mom came into town because my Great Uncle died. My mom was by far the youngest child of her parents and this uncle (Reed Hawkes) was 20 years a junior to her father (my grandfather), so in some ways I feel I know him as as well as my own Grandpa. I attended his funeral with my sisters and Mother and it was very beautiful. Funerals give me a feeling I can't explain. I was talking to my husband about it and he was like yeah I know exactly what you mean, but still neither of us could come up with words to explain even a little bit how we felt. I actually feel like I could go to a funeral every weekend, if it's someone who lived a long and happy life, because it gives you such perspective and an understanding for people. I read the brief summery of his life on the program. Among other things it said details like his son died and his wife died from cancer, and I was thinking it could be written no other way than how it was written, but how crazy that we just read a simple short sentence to describe something so momentous and impacting in someone's life. Needless to say I cried the whole time, and left cherishing and feeling gratitude for his presence here on earth and also with an urgency to be a better mother, sister, wife, and member of my community. It is in the small details of life that we really make differences that change the course of our own lives and others. Life is so somber and truly, truly so beautiful. I hope I can teach this to my children.

Before the funeral I had done a quick little bop into the knitting store. I know, I know- this was a bad idea. Needless to say I bought two skeins with no particular pattern in mind. I couldn't resist! I am however rapidly coming up with options to transform those beauties into something magical. I have an ongoing project right now, it will take me months- but I did knit a solitary mitten out of one of the skeins I bought! So come on, a little credit here! It didn't really turn out how I planned though (most likely due to my inability to pick yarn for any other reason than it's color) so I don't think I will be knitting the other one. But it will be a cute decoration on my Christmas tree!

olive's signature wrist wave, which everyone she passes gets, whether they are looking or not :)

On Sunday we went out in the rain and picked some delicious apples from Kc's cousins apple tree. It was just dripping with Apples and we really had to stop ourselves from picking more because it's so hard not to pick ones right in front of you! I made some Apple butter with it, and I'm searching for more recipes to use the rest! (Or everyone in my neighborhood will get apple butter from us!)

  Also on Sunday I wore a dress that my Mamma made in college!

Lastly, I had been meaning to take Olive to a house down the street that is selling a ton of pumpkins and gourds. I knew she would love it. I was right, and I kind of wish I wasn't because little rascals threw a tantrum to end all tantrums. We had already played with the small gourds for at least 45 minutes. She'd pick them up and hand them to me. Who knew that could be so fun? It was time to go when she ventured up to the front steps and starting helping herself to their decorations. When I picked her up she tried to frantically throw herself out of my arms. She arched her back so hard when I tried to put her in the car seat and cried as though she was seriously being tortured to death. I was so taken aback. She isn't old enough to discipline of understand anything like "we can take a pumpkin" or "we can come back" or "you will be in trouble if you don't stop crying" *sigh* I don't want to stop taking her places she loves but gee whiz! Whats a girl to do?  This child of mine. Sadly I think she is me reincarnate. She HAS to be outside all the time, and is constantly getting herself into trouble or hurt, despite all my best efforts. She currently has several large bruises and got stung by a wasp! She's a resilient little thing. It'll be fun raising this girl :)

Notice one of said bruises on her forehead

Only upside is I was able to capture lots of pictures of this :)


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Olive Update
I'm mad at myself for not doing this all along to keep track of the little things you want to always remember. I kept a journal for a little bit and would record some of the things my little baby would be doing, but time is a cruel beast, and it passes so quickly. So, before I let any more of these precious memories slip away from me here are some of the things my little Olive is doing.

Right now Olive is really attached to Mommy. She has always been, but these days she follows me around the house and reaches out to me and when I pull her up she just looks like shes at home and points where she wants to go. Olive would be just fine if I did all my activities while holding her. (you should see my biceps) On the other hand when we are outside (where Olive wishes she could reside 24/7) she is off on her adventure which mostly includes looking for, gathering, playing with, and/or throwing rocks, dirt, and sticks. At least I think I've gotten her out of the "i want to be in the middle of the road every second" phase by finally just letting her be in the road (in a safe area) so she realized it really wasn't any different than our driveway. If I try to  pick her up outside she mostly tries to immediately dive bomb out of my arms  in an attempt to get back in the dirt. A perfect little tomboy. (fitting since i mostly dress her like a boy)

Currently we have a dog at our house named Maybe. Olive loves to feed her, chase after her shouting commands, and throw things for her to fetch (she can never quite throw them far or well enough though) She lives to be licked by her, but I'm thinking that is going to get old real fast :)
One of my very very favorite things that Olive does right now is grab your fingers to stabilize her when she is outside and wants to move more quickly. She also uses her walker and man-handles it when it gets jammed in corner. I love it. She hasn't been walking for long and is still in that cute drunken sailor walk stage where if you push her with one finger it will knock her over. So, she grabs your finger and starts walking, dragging you where ever she wants to go. I love it when you are not going in a direction she wants and she grunts and yanks your hand the other way. It's so great. I love it because today I was thinking how short this time is that they rely on us completely and have so much trust in us and cling to our guidance. Olive wants me right next to her every step of the way to guide, show, and teach her. She depends on me. I treasure this time so much. I don't have the adequate words for it. It's a feeling. A perfect, wonderful, joyful feeling.  Motherhood is so beautiful. It really, really is.

So there are a few things about my little rascal. In case anyone wanted to know, but even if you don't I'll look back at this someday and remember that wonderful feeling and time in my life when my little girl was so perfect and little and pure and it will make me happy.