Saturday, February 15, 2014

An Olive Update

(warning, you may not enjoy this blog post if you are not Olive's Grandma)

I have been wanting to blog about so many wonderful things lately. The Carl Bloch exhibit, yoga, knitting, improvements to the house- but time just gets away from me! And, upon reflection the most important things to remember are those precious memories with my little Olive.

I had intended to keep a journal with all the things Olive did when she was little. I think I have written in it twice. So as long as I keep doing my "olive updates" I'll have something to remember all of the things I never want to forget about our little Olive. 

Here's is what our Olive is up to lately. 
She doesn't really say any words at all, but she is constantly talking to me. She has this perfect little chatter where she looks at me and babbles something (with the perfect inflection) as though we are just talking about something or other. I always respond with little things like oh really? and I guess that's true, thanks for telling me! She doesn't say words, but she does do lots of signing. Since she is responding so well to signing I am really trying learn more signs to teach her to give her a way to communicate with me. When I try to say words to her, she just looks at me annoyed- but if I sign the word she gets so excited and immediately tries the sign. She can hear just fine, I think she is just a visual learner. My favorite sign she does is when I sit in the rocking chair at night before she goes to bed and if I don't grab a book immediately she looks at me like I'm crazy and signs "book." Then when I finish reading a book and close it she panics and tries immediately to reopen the book (so then we read it 5 more times.)

For whatever reason she LOVES to play in her crib. I can trace it back to one day I jumped in with her and played and jumped and sang with her- and she has been obsessed ever since! Often times I go in there in the morning or after a nap and try to get her out and she pushes my hands away or tries to sit down really fast indicating do NOT pick me up! So I toss a bunch of toys in there and she is happy as a lark! Which is fine with me! So I go take a shower or do some dishes knowing she isn't getting into the toilet or dog food or something else equally exciting. I know she is ready to get out when she signs food at me and then we eat some breakfast or lunch or whatever. 

Olive loves to be outside. If I take her out she just runs around laughing and laughing for no reason at all other than she is outside! 
She loves to tease the dog with cheese (she knows it's her favorite.) She holds it out to her and laughs as she yanks it back. Poor dog follows her around just hoping for a little crumb, she is so good not to steal it out of Olive's hand (I would, that little rascal.) 
She loves to kiss her mom. Whenever Daddy or anyone else asks for a kiss she also has to give me one. Makes me feel special. 
She loves curious George and sesame street. 
She loves her grandma. 
She will get really shy and lean on my shoulder if I walk into a crowded room where she is getting attention, but if I leave her with someone she is so good and happy because she knows that her Mommy will come back and get her and kiss and squeeze her. 
She loves it when I sing songs to her like itsy bitsy spider. She bobs her head and does some of the motions. 
She is wonderful and happy and oh so perfect. I just adore her to her very core. I feel so beyond lucky to be her mother. I love having her in my arms when I go places, I love to be with her. To me, she's perfect. 

And that's my Olive update.


Olive Outside from Sadie Atkinson on Vimeo.

Check out more Pictures and Videos of Olive and Our Family

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