Monday, June 29, 2015

Babar (Part II)

This past week has been one of the hardest of our lives. I would like to compose some of my thoughts, but I feel like I need more time to process. In the meantime I wanted to share the pieces I added to the knitted Babar.

After I had finished the Babar I felt that he needed a cute book to go along with him. I noticed that he always had his green three piece suit on (by the way I found the best Babar book ever written, "Babar's yoga for Elephants.") It was bothering me that he just had his crown and his cape and I felt that he needed to have his signature three piece suit. At this point I knew that while it would not take me long to make the suit, I would be pushing it to have it done by my friend's birthday which was only a couple days away. So, I gave her the Babar without the suit but the I said well, he needs the suit so you are going to have to give him back so I can finish him, ha. She was reluctant to give him back, but I assured her that he would be returned in an upgraded version, and of course who can say no to the green three piece suit! It makes Babar! Anyways, I knitted his little suit and I am SO HAPPY because I love it so much more than I already did. It's so perfect! I've never been really into the Babar books but after I finished his suit I didn't want to give him back! But of course I did. However I may just have to make another one someday... maybe I'll make his little yoga one piece suit! So CUTE! (I'll just add that to my ever growing to-do-knit-list.) Here he is with his little suit in all his glory. Don't you love him?

Little Knitted Balls

I'm so excited/nervous (but mostly excited) to teach my first knitting class this Wednesday. Ive been knitting for about 5 years and I've always had people say "teach me, teach me!" and I never felt ready, but I think I do now- here goes nothing! It will be a learning experience all around! I am showing them how to make these little knitted balls. They are simple and quick and help you learn more than just the basic garter stitch so you have more of an understanding of the whole knitting process. I am planning another class in July or August and I would love anyone to join me who is interested! 

Elijah does the QC testing for all the balls.

As always, Happy knitting! 

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