Wednesday, June 5, 2013


You know those annoying people that can't stop talking about yoga and how amazing it is and how much they love it? Yeah. I'm one of those people. Ok to be honest I really don't think I talk about yoga that much. I think. But, apparently I like it enough to make a whole blog post about it so there you go.

Here's what i want to say about yoga. Not to be dramatic, but I feel like in a lot of ways it has changed my life. Ok- that is a little dramatic, but let me tell you why. Yoga goes beyond being a typical work out or a way to get in shape- it's a way of life. I first seriously started yoga a couple years ago. My best friend Steph INSISTED i try her Yoga class, and if you know Steph you know when she tells you to do something you kind of have to do it. I had tried yoga a couple times before and I felt whatever about it. I didn't have high expectations. But after attending this yoga class I instantly fell in love. I know that a lot of this was due to having the most amazing yoga instrutor ever (seriously i want to take her with me everywhere i go) and maybe it was the place I was at in my life, but from then on yoga changed me. And let me tell you why. (and then I promise to leave you alone and never mention it again)

1. Body image is left at the door. 

       When you go to yoga you will have so much respect for the human body because it doesn't matter what your body looks likes, you can do amazing things with it. I have spent entire classes just looking at different peoples body types and being so in awe of how different and how powerful each person is- despite the size of their thighs, or butt, or stomach. You see past what people look like and see the raw powerful strength that comes from within. 

2.Yoga teaches you to focus on yourself and not others.

Our whole lives are spent comparing ourselves to others. It is human nature. And although that is also very common in yoga (trying to do a move better than the person next to you) that is not what yoga teaches. I am the first person to admit that often times I find myself trying to prove that I can do certain things in yoga- but the second I realize I am doing that I back away from it mentally, because that is the opposite of what yoga is all about. I have tried closing my eyes when possible, moving far enough in front so that I can't see anyone else, even chanting the words "focus on yourself" over and over again. And while I am far from perfect in this area, I love that it teaches me to focus on myself instead of comparing to others and I try to cross this mentality over into my daily life. Just trying to be better than I was yesterday. If I can do that, than I have succeeded. 

3. You will be in awe of what your body can do.

I know I already said this, but the human body really is amazing. And yoga, oh man, it's a good work out. Each time I do yoga my strength grows, and every time I go I am shocked at what my body can do. Your body will become a force to be reckoned with, and you will feel SO GOOD. You will find such satisfaction using only your own body as a tool to strengthen and work every muscle. It will change you. And you will look and feel the best you've ever felt.

I could say so many more things about Yoga, but let's be honest- I'll be shocked if you've even read this far! Moral of the story is- yoga is amazing. Do it. You will love it, and never turn back. 

The End.

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