Friday, July 5, 2013


There are about a million things I should be doing right now instead of this blog post, but you know what- I don't care! I've had a rough morning and I'm taking a break from life to show you what we did on the 4th of July! I had a conversation with some of my friends last night and they thought that Provo went a little overboard with the 4th, but you know what I disagree! I think the 4th is one Holiday that Provo does right! And if you don't want to celebrate this holiday you better hide in your house, because everywhere you turn there is something going on!
(however you might still hear the fireworks... so I guess there is no escaping it)

After I got home from work yesterday Olive and I started off our 4th by jumping into our matching blue and white strips (and red sandals) and heading for the parade! Holidays and major events are times when you can see the tides of your life because you can look back and think about what you had done in past years. It's always so nostalgic. On July 3rd everyone camps out on university street in Provo. It's fun and games all night. I think it started as people camping out for the parade, but if you are like us- after staying up that late all night you are out for the count once the parade comes and you are just trying your best to shield your eyes from the sun and plug your ears from the noise! Last year Kc and I went with some people and rode our bikes around while I was 9 months prego. I got a lot of stares, but it was so so so fun- especially because I will probably never spend a 4th (or 3rd rather) like that in my life again! (told you, nostalgia)  But, now I have a baby! And NOTHING makes holidays more fun than kids and watching how they just lap up every minute of it! 
Oh life, how I love you.

Then we went home and took naps. 
When we woke up it was time for round two with Daddy and our family at the pool. Olive crawled around in that pool for a good three hours straight! 
Operation water baby is in effect! 

(someday I'll figure out how to keep me finger out of these shots... :| )

Then we went home and prepped ourselves for a night at the Cirac residence. Homemade salsa, hot dogs, and some fireworks I bought but never got to light off. 
Unless you consider sparklers fireworks. But I don't.

We listened to the electric guitar, we talked about yoga and personality tests, we got throughly yelled at by a neighbor, we pranced around with sparklers, and of course- we ate a serious amount of food. 
And that my friends, is how you do a 4th of july right. 
I am so beyond proud to be an american and for all the rights we have. I really really am. Thanks to all the men who risked and lost their lives. They really deserve a lot of respect and love and appreciation. 
Thank you, and Happy 4th of July!


  1. Always a joy to read your blog! Loved the pictures. Olive needs to teach Lily about being a water baby.
