Monday, April 4, 2016

Christmas (2015) in Florida.

Last Christmas we went to Florida. We were supposed to go on a cruise to the Bahamas, but that didn't really work out. Kc's dad had really wanted us to all go somewhere together after Bryant's passing. Kc's older sister Erin put a lot of work into booking a cruise for all 20 of us. The plan was to go to Florida for a few days then go on the cruise. We had lots of fun the first few days, it was especially nice to go from cold Utah to Florida. The house had a small pool in the back yard and we all enjoyed swimming and spending time together there. Writing this now is flooding back all the memories and feelings and I am remembering how much fun it really was. We went on a swamp tour which was a really fun thing to do with the family, especially since it included a little zoo and the kids had fun being chased by a big turtle and seeing lots of gators and birds and getting to look at and touch all kinds of animals. We visited a place called Wonder Works in Orlando which was like a science museum of sorts, and that was really fun to do with the kids also. Then it was time for the cruise. 

We had to pack up all our bags and move out of our place and go to the airport to get a shuttle. It was a lot of work but we were all very excited. We finally arrived at the cruise check in and we were trying to make sure we had all our luggage and the papers that we needed. We were assigned to random rooms not necessarily by families in order to make sure we had all the beds required for each person, so Kc's mother had Olive with her to account for a bed (even though she would be just sleeping on top of us in that tiny room haha.) We were all talking to different people who were checking us in and so Kc and I gave all the paperwork needed and boarded the boat. We were the only ones in the family that did. Then we got a call shortly after boarding, we had already headed up to get some food because we were so hungry and little Elijah has fallen asleep in an Ergo on my chest. I'm glad we didn't miss their call because we easily could have with how loud and busy it was. They told us that they were not going let his sister Erin on the boat. Long story short it was because she was pregnant. She had a doctor's note sent in, and we did everything we could, but they still wouldn't let her on. It was really really hard, especially because she had put in so much work and because we didn't know that would be an issue and if we had anticipated it we would have done so many things differently. We could have all gone and left Erin, but that didn't feel right especially on Christmas Eve and on a trip that was planned mostly by Erin. Also Kc's dad wanted this to be a trip that we could all be together as family, and so that is what we were going to do. After we all decided to stay it was hard two fold because not only were we not going to go on this anticipated trip that Kc's dad had paid for, we also were stuck with no place to go with 20 people (half of them being little kids,)  on a major holiday. We managed to get a place for a couple days and a shuttle to get us all there. We spent the next couple days swimming in the pool and enjoying our time together. And honestly it may have been a good thing we didn't get on that cruise because pretty much everyone in the whole family got hit with a nasty bug, almost each person took a turn with a bout of vomiting and/or other unpleasant things, and we most likely would have been quarantined on that ship anyways. We had to find somewhere else for the last couple nights and we decided to go to Universal Studios so we could visit Harry Potter world. That ended up being really fun, and I think I could have pounded about 10 glasses of butter beer (and I nearly did!) I loved it hot, cold, and frozen! I kept imagining I was really there in the book, and despite most of the attractions being a way to just make more money, it was very enchanting.

In the end I do wish we could have gone on that cruise, but such is life, and I mean if the worst thing that happens to you in your life is you miss out on a cruise, than really you are doing just fine. It was really good to be out of Utah when it was so cold, and for kids to be with their cousins, and for us all to spend time together. When I think back on the trip I get a happy feeling and despite a few disappointments I don't regret that trip at all and it brought me many wonderful memories. 

To the beach! We tried to catch some waves there but they were really big and choppy and hard to get past, especially for a huge amateur like me that only gets to go once a year. I maybe caught one or two. Kc's sister Angie however is a rock star, and is so fun to watch. The white wash was so big that we put Olive on the board to have a her catch a little wave but she has never really loved being thrashed around in the water. Can't say I have ever been too much of a fish myself. I love to get out there and try stuff, but I never know what I am doing and I honestly will probably kill myself one day.

I wish I could have this made into a painting.

Little Elijah racing into the ocean with reckless abandon. You have to watch this guy.

My handsome hubby.

Elijah wasn't so fond of the wind in his face and refused to put on the ear muffs so he only spent a few minutes facing out like this, he mostly was turned toward his mom with his face tucked into her chest.

I will be so sad when this stops.

If you look hard you can spy a gator just to the right of Olive's shoulder.

This turtle was crazy and would follow you around and try to step on or nip at your toes. It was cool to be able to get so close and personal with him though. 

Olive loved this goat so much, I can hear her little voice baby talking to it right now haha.

Look at this cute little sloth sleeping in a pot!

Wonder Works.

Where we ended up after our catastrophe. 

Butter Beer and sleeping babies. Two things I love.

This is what I need!

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