Sunday, March 24, 2013

Our weekend at Camp Cloud Rim.

     My cousin Nate Hawkes has a pretty legit job. He maintains a Girl Scout camp in deer valley. The girls are only up there for 3 or 4 months during the summer, but the land needs to be kept up all year long. During the winter it's a little wonderland. It's remote and quiet and just divine. My husband, Olive and I drove up to a little gate where my cousin picked us up because we had to make the rest of the trip up in a sled pulled by a snow mobile. (cool right?)

    We absolutely loved our time up there. We had dinner, we played games, we spent time chatting and laughing, we rode snow mobiles, we snow shoed, and really we just enjoyed living life. Thanks Nate, Mandy, Mille and little Alfie for putting forth all the effort to bring us up there and for being amazing hosts.  

Camp History. Looks straight out of the parent trap!

Plenty of space for Olive to crawl around.... if she could crawl :)

Dad. He is always so distracting. (But I don't blame her, he IS pretty charming)

After riding snow mobiles Kc and I snow shoed around this frozen lake with Maybe and Sancho. (whose energy knew NO ends) I was so taken a back by the beauty and stillness. It made me feel as though I had walked out the back of the magic wardrobe in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. (And I half hoped Aslan would suddenly appear through the woods) And as always I can never quite capture the real essence of my surroundings in the pictures I take.

Kc and I can't wait for our own little rebel rousing dogs.


  1. Love your blog..... and cool style.

    1. Thanks Dallas! We need to all get together soon!

  2. This looks like a really fun thing you did with your cousin, Sadie and KC. I love that you get out and do things like this. You keep active and that is so so good. Your little Olive will love growing up in a family like yours. MOM

  3. These pictures are gorgeous! Wow. And I didn't know you guys wanted dogs! Fun that makes me excited, it's about time someone had them in our family.
